Problem Solving Therapy

Problem solving therapy (PST) is a brief and focused psychological intervention that has been used with a variety of client groups including people with depression, chronic illness, and suicidal thoughts and behaviours.

We are researchers and clinicians based in the Department of Psychiatry at the University of Ottawa. For more details about us please see the About Us page.

Our team has designed a treatment programme and provided problem solving therapy for people who presented to the emergency departments of major hospitals in New Zealand and Canada following an episode of self harm. Our results from these large-scale randomised controlled trials have indicated that PST resulted in reductions in hopelessness, suicidal thinking and depression, and improvements in problem solving abilities among people who received the therapy.

Please note that this website is not intended to provide stand alone on-line training in PST but is designed to support the training programme. The worksheets on this website are intended to be used by clinicians who have attended the workshop and who are providing PST to their clients.

The video links show a demonstration of the steps of PST. We would like to thank Tessa Mitchell who plays the role of the client in these video clips.

Read more about Problem Solving Therapy: Workshop pre-reading